Bulletin Board
Posted Bounties
- A few notes about general payouts for bandits and monsters, but nothing of note.
News & Decrees
- Nothing currently stands out.
- Caravan Guards Wanted! If you are heading back to Hyborian territory, and are both experienced and well armed, please see the Merchant Jasso.
For Hire
- Need work, will do darn near anything legal. Comfortable with sword, strong back. Ask for Osborn at the tavern.
- Jobby knows what you all are getting up to, and Jobby will carry a torch, but Jobby ain’t dying for you. Usual fee. Jobby gets touched, fee gets doubled and Jobby leaves. Upfront, no brass, no clem work, you eat Jobby eats.
For Sale
- Good horses, cheap! Owners no longer with us, so priced to move. First week of board and feed free! Talk to Stablemaster Tycho Dijkstra
- Fortunes told! Seek out Lady Salosa.