Kronnos Deities

Hyborian Deities

Demadora - Dispassionate justice, consequences. Represents justice as a natural force, balancing the universe by countering evil. Not associated with Law because law can be unjust. Neutral Good. Her clerics must perform good deeds wherever they encounter evil and misfortune.

Solatron The Beacon - Legendary elven hero, now the personification of law, civilization. Nominal civic deity of the Hyborian Empire of Elves and Men. A vizier-consort who worked his way up to forging an empire through bookkeeping and supply chain management, later deified. Turns out paperwork is the ultimate expression of warfare, if you’re good enough at it. Sacred plant is the lemon tree, a wild plant carefully bred and cultivated to perfectly fill its role and purpose.

Josie the Snail - Goddess of the harvest and agriculture. Probably the most important deity for everyday citizens of the countryside. Has a fancy elven name and was traditionally associated with an ox, but the name Oxen-Hearted Harvest Mother (J’hozhith Thiznall) sounds a lot like “Josie the Snail” to those who don’t speak elvish. By the time the empire of elves and man was formed, all of the rural peasantry called her Josie and decorated her shrines with snail motifs. The elves just sighed and went with it. After all, the harvest still comes in, so she must like it.

Borderlands Deities

Baarda - Wilds, wilderness, wild creatures, freedom, hunters, woodsman, lost travelers. Symbols: mountain lion and/or lioness. Dualist, chaotic good. Represents the dangers and providence of nature.

Archipelago Deities

Ophis - Snake-god of the sky, mountain peaks, and navigation.

Orcish Deities

Shanak - god of the orcs. Appears as an elf clad in armor with shield and spear.

Halfling Saints

Volo Greenbags - Saint of smugglers.

Secret and Cultic Deities

Shanshlovo the Ruby Eyed - Personification of greed and personal advancement. In exchange for power and knowledge, particularly high priests will construct bejeweled, trapped idols in dangerous places to tempt the avaricious and desperate. The deserving acquire riches, while the weak perish attempting to claim the prize, their torment pleasing Shanshlovo—as the only thing he still seems to covet! It’s long been rumored that the Dungeoneers Guild is actually an enormous cult to Shanshlovo; the guild vehemently denies this baseless slander.

Velpis the Grackle - benevolent trickster. Small misfortunes that, in hindsight, prevent or sidetrack awful disasters are said to be blessings of Velpis. Symbolized by laughing, chattering birds in different parts of the world. Her true form is said to live trapped, but undaunted, in the deepest abyss of the underworld, body clenched in the jaws of a dead titan, while she walks ever through dreams. Popular among dungeoneers for obvious reasons.

The Secret Keeper

“Who knows? Obviously exists, because people know about it. But… ? Good? Evil? Made up? Different clerics of the secret keeper all report corroborating evidence… according to them, anyway. Well, the ones we know about. Most clerics of the Secret Keeper pretend to be something else. We think. If you know something, could you please tell us? Me? Tell me? Please? PELEASSSE PLEASE PLESE”

—— official entry in the second-most-recent edition of the Dungeoneer’s Guide to Gods by Kallista the Sage, chief guild archivist, revised out after a limited print run.